We have had lots of lovely sightseeing time in Hobart. It is such a beautiful city, and quite easy to get around. The buildings are lovely and the people are friendly and helpful. It is a nice place to visit.

But, as we all do, we wonder, what sewing shops are there?

My poor long suffering, but very kind husband has ferried me around in pursuit of "the" ultimate fabric find! So here we go...

Frangipani Fabrics, Sandy Bay. A really cute little shop, light, bright and airy...clear, fresh fabrics, contemporary and modern...very nice with lots of screen printed panels and their own patterns. The staff were really friendly and helpful too. If I lived here I would be a regular!

The Quilted Crow, New Town. Crow Central is in a sweet sandstone church with easy parking. The crow girls were in the US when I visited, but their stand in was lovely. A great shop for wools and repros...their own patterns and book. Well worth a look as it is so nicely done.

Wafu, Kingston Beach. A cute little shop a short drive south. The lovely owner has a great range of Japanese silks and kimono pieces along with great buckles, braids and buttons. Great supplies for crazy patchwork. So much potential in here!

A Stitching Time, Sandy Bay. Fabulous little embroidery shop with a good range of threads, linens and cross stitch patterns. Nice to see a good embroidery shop as they are quite hard to find nowadays.
Possum Place, Hobart. More of a sewing shop with a reasonable general range of fabrics.
The Needlewoman, Hobart. An elegant patchwork and embroidery shop. Nice range of fabrics, predominantly pretty and conservative. No photos allowed here.
We are still to see Patchwork Cafe, New Norfolk, but I have been hearing good things about it. Looking forward to seeing it.
These are my thoughts, but if you are down this way, it might help.
Cardygirl xx
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