Expectations, preconceptions...we all have them. Hopes, dreams and aspirations...we have them too. We also have our own likes and dislikes, preferences and our own way we look at, and interpret our tiny corner of the world. My world is mine, peculiar to me and the person I am, just like when those who know and love you the most buy you a gift because "it was so you", and they are EXACTLY right.
Where is this all heading? Last weekend I had the good fortune to spend some time in the presence of Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably at a workshop hosted by Kathy Doughty and her amazing Material Obsession team. Kathy, John and their team certainly know how to host a workshop, just being around them makes your day brighter.
On Saturday evening there was a talk by Kaffe about his life, work and influences. Both Kaffe and Brandon are delightful...candidly sharing their experiences...an outing I will always remember. It was the most pleasant of evenings which ended with drinks on a roof top terrace overlooking Sydney Harbour.

The Big Bang quilt was our project on Sunday. It was interesting to see each participants own unique interpretation of this quilt. And this was the lesson learnt from this workshop; believe in yourself and your vision...absorb the input from the creative minds, but ultimately know yourself and how you see your world. Be guided, but be comfortable with where you are being guided too. Look around, observe what others are doing, but ultimately go with your version, as we all see and feel colour differently. What I like, others may not, and visa versa.

I was happy with my efforts, felt in a good place, but followed the advice to change and hit an enormous wall. Whilst initially this seemed dispiriting, some wise words from Kathy and a great deal of personal reflection have led me to an epiphany (cue angelic chorus)....be true to yourself. So there are no pics of what became a saturated pink gloop....so far from whom I am it's not funny, but over time there will be pics of something yet to be created, but a reflection of me and who I am.

Thank you Kathy, for once more expanding my vision in your always fun, but gentle and creative way, always supportive and so generous with your time. It was a great weekend, and amazing to think that Kaffe and Brandon crossed my path and, in their own way, influenced my sewing journey.

A weekend to cherish!
Cardygirl xx
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