Fun in my fabric world....

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Autumn? Really?

The year is progressing at a ridiculous speed. How can it be autumn already when it feels like I have just packed away the Christmas decorations. Or is that just me? But as I walk to work in the mornings I see the signs of cooler days to come...leaves changing colour and littering the footpaths, that tinge of cool in the early morning air...signs that refresh my summer weary self.

February flew by with the celebration of another chronological year, our son returning for his final year of study and the relocation of our dear SIL and daughter to Wagga Wagga. I miss their daily presence in our lives, but love to see them enjoying their lives.
And now I get to visit Wagga Wagga...hope there is a fabric shop!
Last week I spent some time making a Bionic Gear a bag to carry around my sewing is great and I envisioned making myself another one for specialised sewing "stuff". Technical business this  sewing!

Well, I loaded that bag up last weekend and headed to Denman to have a much awaited weekend with my Upper Hunter sewing friends. I miss these dear sewing sisters since I moved to the Big Smoke...we had stitched together for twenty years, shared laughs and tears, saw our children grow up. So it was wonderful to have a weekend with them.
I played around with a few projects...rediscovering my mojo I suppose. It was fun watching the girls create, especially Lea who was making a cute Sew Together bag. What a surprise when she gave this bag to me! Gorgeous and perfect for my EPP! 
It is already loaded and ready to go! Love it!
Cardygirl xx