Well, I can only give my personal version. Once more, my work position is about to change...back to full time, but a position that will stretch my brain, give me more clinical time (which I love) and provide a challenge. It seems to leave little time for sewing, and blogging. Who really wants to hear that someone is busy, after all, we all are with our own lives!
So, to address my own lack of creative time, I have decided that organisation is the key! Hand sewing time is easiest, so if I can get prepped on the weekend, then I should have time to stitch in the evenings...good plan???

At our recent MSG workshop, those clever girls from south of the border (Melbourne!), had lovely hexie bags. Well, I did have a touch of hexie envy, so I decided to make my own. Many years ago I had created one for my mum from a pattern purchased in Mittagong, designer unknown. So I set about making it bucket sized so I could carry all the things I imagine I might sew, but may not actually do!

It is nearly done...just need to add some drawstrings. A bit of fiddling in making the lining fit, but I am happy with it.there are a few versions of it about.

Then I set about making a clamshell cushion to brighten up my lounge. Watch this space!

One nice part of this past week was giving a quilt to dear friends....lovely to see it in a happy home! There are so many quilts in my home, I have decided to gift some to those I love. It felt good. What do we all do with the mountain of quilts we make?

My blog will stay active, it is a good personal journal, how do you find time to do all your busy life entails?

Hope you had a Happy Easter...love from Molly and me!
Cardygirl xxx
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