There are a few infant projects wanting my attention, most notable is my MSG project. But like any goldfish in a bowl, I have been distracted and forgotten what I was doing (also cue in those evil temptresses, Jean & Lizzie) and have embarked on the Trip Around the a World quilt along inspired by the clever Brigitte Giblin...have a look for it on FB.

My effort so far was beautifully described by a friend as "exuberant". I was thinking loud, even boisterous, so I did appreciate her lovely twist to my colourful interpretation of this traditional pattern. Try as I might, my volume switch is stuck on loud...I think it is reflective of my present pace of life. Oh well, it is nice to know that what I am stitching is a true reflection of me!

Yes, it is actually good ( yes, positive self talk- a sign of my mania!) as the TAW quilt along has given me a no fuss hand stitching project that I can keep in my bag when I am out on the road with work...who knows when a girl will get a quiet moment for a stitch? Don't you love justifying your addictions? I am sure there are worse things I could do. I always feel happier knowing my security stitching is nestled in my handbag.
Do you carry security stitching....just in case?
Cardygirl xx
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