A day free from paid employment...get the essentials done...washing, cleaning...what is for dinner? Now some time to play...
Chookyblue mentioned a little sampler of mine she saw...it is 1.5 "x 2"...done on a silk gauze...before my eyesight went! Maree might like to do this one!
Chookyblue mentioned a little sampler of mine she saw...it is 1.5 "x 2"...done on a silk gauze...before my eyesight went! Maree might like to do this one!
I have one my mum bought on a craft stand, not overly satisfactory, but it "does".
I have these two that I made, but can't bear to stick pins in!
A Christine Book design...
I think this was a design by Piccanini Patchwork.
Some sugary sweet pinks to do a baby quilt.Cardygirl xx
Love the Christine Book pincushion.. saw it years ago..(sounds like a very long time ago didint it?) and I loved it really much then.. and I still do!!!! Still havent found the pattern or the book where it is.. can you give me a clue to that??? Your s are so SWEET!!! :o)
I do love your cross stitch. I cross stitch myself but never anything that small. Love the pincushions. Don't think i could use them either. :). Hugs, Jeanette
wonderful stitching - very colorful. I just love that little pincushion. SO cute!
Love your pincushions... I'm using a Leanne's House one... beautiful... but it's getting holes in it... but I guess... why else do we have pin cushions?? FOR PINS! I do understand though. Wow... I'm not sure my eye sight is good enough now to be doing something so small!!
RIP, Poor Turtle pincushion. I see what you mean about those beauties, it's hard sometimes to stick pins in such beautiful items.
lol, I have my trusty, ugly old faithful and my pretty ones are on display. Its like good china, we should use them I suppose.
beautiful pincushions..........and that photo doesn't do the minature stitching justice..........
Such pretty pincushions!
I don't have a nice pincushion,it is on my to do list!!
Oh Alison....I couldn't help but giggle about the poor turtle. I think your cat had that in mind for 10 years and one day its was....now or never...lol! The little cross stitch is gorgeous...a real heirloom. Pin cushions; mmmm I'm thinking we need a challenge for the best "practical" pin cushion, then we won't feel so bad about using it.
Kind Regards
I love that Christine Book pincushion - I can see why ou don't want to stick pins into it. I'm really tempted to go search for the pattern and make one of my own. It would be just for display though ;-)
All lovely and especially that red one!
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